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19 08, 2022

4 Reasons to Move Your Old 401(k)

August 19th, 2022|retirement planning|Comments Off on 4 Reasons to Move Your Old 401(k)

  If you have changed employers and not rolled your old 401(k) it may be in your interest to make sure you have control of those assets. Why? Potentially higher fees, greater flexibility, more investment choices and personal control may all be things you want to consider before leaving your retirement funds with an “X” [...]

15 08, 2022

3 Ways Target Date Funds May Hurt 401(k) Investors

August 15th, 2022|retirement planning|Comments Off on 3 Ways Target Date Funds May Hurt 401(k) Investors

The availability of Target Date Funds in 401(k) plans is a very common option. In fact, most 401(k) plans have a menu of these investments available to employees as an investment to consider. Sometimes what you don’t know could hurt you. Read the attached article on Target Date Funds to get the information you need [...]

1 08, 2022

Tips for Booking a Last-Minute Vacation on the Cheap

August 1st, 2022|spending wisely|Comments Off on Tips for Booking a Last-Minute Vacation on the Cheap

Money management isn't only about saving. It's also about enjoying life and spending wisely. We tend to think booking a last-minute vacation is a mistake. We worry we won't be able to find a place to stay or that we will spend more money because prices will rise. Use these 8 tips for booking a [...]

11 07, 2022

Inflation and the Market – What Every 401(k) Investor Needs to Know

July 11th, 2022|retirement planning|Comments Off on Inflation and the Market – What Every 401(k) Investor Needs to Know

The current economic and market environment uncertainty has a lot of investors nervous. And, rightfully, so. The market is ugly right now. Listen or read the news, and it’s all doom and gloom. While we are experiencing unpleasant market volatility, it’s important not to focus too much on the negative – as hard as it [...]

13 06, 2022

5 Things That May Boost 401(k) Savings in Your 50s

June 13th, 2022|retirement planning|Comments Off on 5 Things That May Boost 401(k) Savings in Your 50s

With volatile markets and soaring inflation, can you still boost 401(k) savings in your 50s? You bet you can. And you don’t have to invest a ton more to do it. If boosting your 401(k) is important to you then this article may be a good read. Read more.

23 04, 2022

Getting Your Affairs In Order

April 23rd, 2022|estate planning|Comments Off on Getting Your Affairs In Order

A time may come when you are unable to make your own decisions, and planning is critical if you want to have your affairs in order should this situation occur. This type of preparation can significantly reduce the stress on the family and ensure your wishes are fulfilled. Read more here

17 04, 2022

Focus on the Fundamentals of the Market

April 17th, 2022|retirement planning|Comments Off on Focus on the Fundamentals of the Market

Market Commentary video from Mark Sorensen, President & CEO, Royal Fund Management. The talking heads spouting the pros and cons from our tv and media sources seem to be more of a distraction than an attraction today. Panels of 4-6 on a screen talking about financial Armageddon are opposed by another large panel [...]

2 04, 2022

Forgotten 401(k) Could Be Costing You

April 2nd, 2022|retirement planning|Comments Off on Forgotten 401(k) Could Be Costing You

Changing jobs has its own challenges. Leaving a 401(k) dormant and unattended with an ex-employer could be costing you money in fees and may jeopardize performance. Getting the available options of what you can and cannot do with your old 401(k) may be more beneficial than you think. Discover How Much a Forgotten 401(k) is [...]

2 04, 2022

Maximize Your 401(k) Performance in 2022

April 2nd, 2022|retirement planning|Comments Off on Maximize Your 401(k) Performance in 2022

Maximizing your 401(k) Performance may be easier than you think. Most of us regularly change our oil, go to the dentist for check-ups, and upgrade our phones for maximum performance. Doesn’t it make sense to treat one of your most valuable assets the same by utilizing tools to assist in potentially boosting performance? Read on [...]

2 04, 2022

Things to Know Before Filing 2021 Taxes

April 2nd, 2022|tax filing|Comments Off on Things to Know Before Filing 2021 Taxes

Staying on top of Tax Changes may not only save you from paying more in taxes, but could potentially result in a refund that you may not have otherwise received. Being diligent with the tax opportunities available to you is important even if you have a tax professional. Read more about Important Changes to Know [...]